Simplify Navigation

You never want to throw everything at your visitors and make them figure it out. If you tell them to sink or swim, they'll just go to your competition's pool which is only a click away.
While making your site so user-friendly that your visitors never have to think - just click, click, click right through the entire purchase process - is a daunting one, it will make all the difference to your conversion rates. Furthermore, you not only enjoy increased sales as a result, but you also actually owe it to your loyal customers to make their experience with you as easy and enjoyable as you can possibly make it.
Perfecting your site's usability requires several things. First, you want to make use of established best practices. Next, you'll want to have a clear understanding of your target audience and their needs, their Internet user levels and their emotional mindsets. Finally, you'll need to test, adjust, and test again. We developed a method called Quantemo ( to test the mental effort required to navigate a site, as well as the emotional responses triggered by that site. Quantemo studies as well as other usability studies help show how simplifying navigation is a priceless step to take to increase conversions and user satisfaction.