Research and Analysis

Quantemo and other usability studies have revealed a great deal of best practices applicable to any industry, such as how people respond to colors and imagery (and that their responses to those are stronger than you might think), and how navigation structures that are seemingly obvious to a company end up absolutely confounding their users. When we've conducted our own studies, we've seen executives from our client companies flinching with agony watching study participant after study participant passing their gazes right over the button they are supposed to click, all because it wasn't in the place they expected it to be.
We can point out needs that the customer may not have thought of, and when properly communicated and pointed out, in a way you CAN entice and otherwise indifferent customer. Most indifferent customers are indifferent because they are too busy with their own things to go out and look for something new they may need - especially if the site is hard to use and wastes their time. So overall getting them engaged and then making it easy to evaluate a product can entice an indifferent customer.