7. - Avoid Search Engine Stumbling Blocks

Some search engines see the web the way someone using a very old browser might. They may not read image maps. They may not read frames. You need to anticipate these problems, or a search engine may not index any or all your web pages.
Certain types of navigation may prevent search engines from reaching your websites content. Complex links and deep site structures with little unique content may serve as bumps. Such as pages with more than one hundred unique links to other pages on the site (spiders may not follow each one), or pages requiring a "Session ID" or Cookie to enable navigation, since spiders may not be able to retain these elements as a browser user can. Also, pages that are split into "frames" can prevent crawling and cause confusion about which pages to rank in the results. Data that cannot be accessed by spiderable links qualify as walls. For example, pages accessible only via a select form and submit button, pages requiring a login, or pages that require a drop down menu to access them.