6. - Have Relevant Content

Changing your page titles is not necessarily going to help your page do well for your target keywords if the page has nothing to do with the topic. Your keywords need to be reflected in the page's content!
In particular, that means you need HTML text on your page. Sometimes sites present large sections of print via graphics. It looks pretty, but search engines can't read those graphics. That means they miss out on text that may make your site more relevant. Some of the search engines will index comment information. But to be safe, use HTML text whenever possible. Your human visitors will appreciate it, also.
Be sure that your HTML text is "visible." Some designers try to spam search engines by repeating keywords in a tiny font or in the same color at the background color to make the text invisible to browsers. Search engines are catching on to these and other tricks. Expect that if the text is not visible in a browser, then it may not be indexed by a search engine.
Finally, consider "expanding" your text references, where appropriate. For example, a web design page might have references to "designers" and "designing." Expanding these references to "web designers" and "web designing" reinforces your strategic keywords in a legitimate and natural manner. Your page really is about web design, but edits may have reduced its relevancy unintentionally.